Essential Checklist for Finding Director Contacts of Indian Companies

the business research company

All about directors and company contact details on MCA Portal. Director master data is available on the MCA portal, where we can check the director’s DIN (Directors Identification Number), or the number of companies, director email address, mobile numbers and Other Details in which the director has been appointed as the directors of the company.

Its very quick and Easy to Search for the Director Contact Details on Finanvo, Lets See How?

Companies Master Data is Available on MCA portal which Includes the basic information about the company and their directors appointed. Where We can get Information like Directors identification Number (DIN Number) of Director, Joining date of Director, Resignation Date of Director and Director’s Full Name. Also You can Get the information about the director that In which company he is director and in which company / companies he has Resigned. and the Date of such event too can be known from MCA Portal.

The director plays a very vital role in the company to manage the affairs and are involved in day-to-day administration of the company, hence the role of the director in every company is very crucial and challengeable because the backbone of the company depends upon the directors of the company. They being the only decision Maker their connectivity is very crucial for Any person.

  1. Contact Details Based on Director Name or DIN no.
    • Open a Page – Signup / Login 
    • Search for the Director from the search box 
    • Click on Buy Director Contact Button 
  2. Complete the process and Hurray You are done and You can see the director contact details as below
    • Name
    • Address (Permanent/ Correspondence address)
    • Date of Birth
    • E-Mail ID or phone number
    • Father’s Name
    • Nationality
    • Occupation Type
    • Educational Qualification
    • Changes in PAN Card, Voter ID Card, Passport, Aadhaar Card or other proof
    • Residential Status
    • Gender 
  3. Contact Details Based on Company name or CIN No.
    • Open a Page – Signup / Login 
    • Search for the Company Name from the search box
    • Select the Director/s 
    • Click on Buy Director Contact Button 
  4. Complete the process and Hurray! You are done and You can Click on the DIN number  to see the each director’s contact details as below
    • Name
    • Address (Permanent/ Correspondence address)
    • Date of Birth
    • E-Mail ID or phone number
    • Father’s Name
    • Nationality
    • Occupation Type
    • Educational Qualification
    • Changes in PAN Card, Voter ID Card, Passport, Aadhaar Card or other proof
    • Residential Status
    • Gender


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